Using Section 508 Guidance to Improve the Accessibility of Government Services
Using Section 508 Guidance to Improve the Accessibility of Government Services is a guide written by Jamal Mazrui to help provide a resource list for using Section 508 effectively.
New BBC Mobile Accessibility Guidelines
The Standards and Guidelines are written for content developed for UK audiences and for use with the technology commonly available in the UK. They are intended as a standard for BBC employees and suppliers to follow however they can also be referenced by anyone involved in mobile development.
CANnect Board Member, Karen Gourgey, Recently Honored
Karen Gourgey, one of CANnect's board members was recently named New Yorker of the Week for her dedication to showing those who lack sight how to navigate the digital world. Read, NYer of the Week: Karen Gourgey Makes Digital World More Accessible to Visually Impaired for more information. Congratulations, Karen!